Rebuilding from the Rubble

The first time I had a website was in 2007.
Then I revamped it in 2010 because the technology was changing fast and so was my work.
After that, I just got on with my work and paid little attention to my website. Work worked its way to me, through word of mouth. Occasionally I would get the odd inquiry from someone having searched for me. In the meantime, in between work, I was also busy—for the next 10 years—an MSc and then a PhD.
In 2019, my husband, Tony, moved to Sri Lanka to live with me. I also finally received my PhD. Love and learning had completely changed me.
So, I revamped my website in 2019 to reflect these changes.
Shortly after, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, and in 2020 the world went into lockdown.
Neither I nor the world was ever the same again. Neither were my family, friends, or clients.
My husband died in July 202o, and I found myself in a world I didn’t recognise, nor frankly felt equipped to face without my beloved by my side.
But quietly, as I moved with my grief, one step at a time, I had no option but to grow around my grief, to start picking up pieces of my life, choosing how to reorganise them alongside new and emergent pieces so that I could start making a semblance of a different life.
How will I story and re-story myself as I make sense of the events in my life and look forward to the stories I want to be telling?
I called this process reimagining Mihirini.
I was and am still Mihirini. I bring with me my history, loves and grief. But I am also not the person I was. I am also someone different, forever indelibly changed and changing.
In this process, after 21 years of being Corporate Druids, I had to reimagine who I had become and want to be in my professional life.
Reimaging Mihirini – A Journey
At the beginning of the year, I began reaching out to my family, friends and colleagues and my trusted clients and asked for their help to hold space for me and support me in finding out what makes sense in this new world we find ourselves in. How might the person I am becoming best serve this emerging new world?
As I dug deep into myself to identify what value I bring to the world, and my clients, The Last Word are my chosen partners on this journey. They have and are helping me figure out how this might be compellingly communicated, visually and digitally.
The logo, the new website, my writing and my fledgling digital presence is all a part of the story of my journey, and how I might serve others with the lessons learnt on this journey.

I suspect that like me, you too have had to reimagine yourself this past year.
Come, let’s walk together as we rebuild from the rubble and reimagine the world and us.