I wish you,
A tune in the soles of your feet,
on the tip of your toes that taps and dances you,
a rhythm in your hips that sways you
in wild abandonment.
Smiles that creeps on you unexpectedly
that quirks your mouth upwards,
crinkles the corners of your eyes
and gleams them bright.
Poignant thoughts that softens your heart
and fills you with longing and passion
that moves you towards their fulfillment,
moments and experiences
that break open your heart,
to learn, to open up, to give and receive love,
you will never be the same kind of encounters.
Funny moments, jokes and fun that brings on,
deep belly, throw your head back
kind of infectious laughter,
that spreads and bring tears to the eyes,
that long afterwards brings a giggle to your throat
and lightens your day.
I wish you,
Unexpected thank you from a co worker,
flowers from a friend,
kindness from a stranger,
a chore completed by your teenage child,
time to put your feet up on a chair,
enjoy a good cup of tea,
you alone time, with others time, with friends time.
Time to paint and make music,
write poems and dance your body’s stories
that finds your souls creative longing,
time to read love stories
of places and histories long gone,
enter in to the minds of geniuses,
and to find this knowledge back in you.
Work that is life’s passions crafted,
that fill you with delight each morning,
uses all your innate skills
and teaches and grows you,
nourish you and your family
and makes a difference in the world.
I wish you,
Friends that tickle your funny bone,
broadens your mind and
pushes your boundaries gently,
with broad shoulders for when weeping,
time to waste on a Saturday afternoon,
that lifts your spirits
and shares your joys and sorrows equally.
Family to have dinner with everyday,
that stands by you through thick and thin,
long Sunday lunches that bring you together,
binds you in shared stories and laughter.
A wife, husband, lover, partner
that kisses your eyelids gently shut
and holds you at night,
knows your sighs and smiles,
your souls deep longing,
meets you in your dreams,
give of themselves with wild abandonment,
deep love and honesty.
I wish you,
all kinds of kisses,
a grubby from the heart kiss from a two year old,
mess up your hair top of the head kiss from your father,
from your mother, a kiss blessed on your forehead
with your face held from both sides,
an unexpected hug from a teenager,
deep passionate, never ending, tongues dancing
this is the end of the world kisses from your lover,
so glad you are in my life, on the cheek
with a warm hug kind of kisses from your friends,
I wish you,
vulnerabilities and lessons in life,
that teach you about life and how to be a good person,
how to be decent, honourable and honest,
how to show up, be there, be committed,
take responsibility, to accept consequences,
so that you are missed when your gone
because you made the world a better place.
grace in your life,
joy in your heart,
hope in your dreams,
abundance in your gifts,
and rich bounty in your life.
I wish you all of these things in the New Year my friends!
Much love and blessings,
(C) Mihirini de Zoysa, Please feel free to share my articles and poems, with credit to me and link to the website/page.
Image Credit :http://wallpapers5.com/wallpaper/Cherry-Tree-and-Dandelion-Meadow-Zug-Canton-Switzerland/
Anil Cabraal
Thanks Mihirini for the lovely, uplifting and eloquent poem. Though not in the same league, my best to you for 2012, Anil
Thank you for your feedback Anil. Wish you a wonderful New Year!nMihirini
Darshani De Silva
Beautiful thinking! Brings me memories of certain times in the past….
thank you for your feedback Darshani. Hope all is well with you.