You are a team making strategic decisions and collaborating to co-create a vision and deliver results effectively and lead the people of an organisation and its future.

Teams who have had leadership changes, have gone through an unexpected crisis, are in transition and are integrating new members, revisioning the purpose and mandate of the team, need cultural changes to become a resilient , resourceful, strategically adaptive team in times of uncertainty, crisis and chaos.

Teams who want to commit to a strong purpose and vision and develop effective strategies, become better at what and how they do things, want to change how they work and implement robust and sound decisions effectively, and grow as a cohesive, competent and strategically and operationally effective team.

Teams who want to learn how to collaborate more effectively, create good communication systems and improve communication skills and interpersonal effectiveness of the team, identify and manage team dynamics and conflicts with emotional intelligence, create shared meaning and leverage on each other’s strengths and inspire and drive shared goals and visions across the organisation.

Own Your
Teams who want to understand and shine a light on their founders stories, values and ethos, and their organisation’s history as a way to celebrate and build on the past achievements, and learn from historical lessons, and tell these stories to inspire current and future employees and stakeholders as they create inspirational, visionary stories for the future.
What typical things teams looking for coaching have said
What we discuss and agree on as a team never gets implemented
Our team meetings are long and unproductive
We have a lot of unproductive/destructive team dynamics
Our team is in transition
We have a new leader for our team
Our team members have changed and we haven’t settled in as a team
Our team members have different values and this gets in the way of what we prioritise and how we do things
We are all pulling in different directions
We have trouble understanding and respecting each other as team members