Frustrated with the Progress of Your Dreams?

Sometimes it can be frustrating to watch the progress of your own dreams.

One of the funniest quotes I came across recently on twitter is “I’m sick of following my dreams I’m just going to ask them where they’re going and hook up with them later… ” by @MrTommyLand.

I thought that summed up the frustration of following your dreams. And good advice in dealing with the frustration.

What frustrates me personally about following my dreams? There are many, but today these were the ones I came up with.

1. Progress is slow
2. My dream keeps changing shape
3. Other people have a lot to say about my dreams and can tear them down.
4. I have all the good will but not enough of good actions to make it real
5. My dream sounds good inside my head, but in the cold harsh reality of every day life, it seems fanciful and silly
6. Life takes over

So here are few tips I gave myself today.

1. Progress is slow – big dreams don’t happen overnight.
If my dream is a worthwhile dream, it will take time and it will not be easy.

2. My dream keeps changing shape
That’s not a bad thing. It means that I am not a static entity and neither are my dreams. As I grow, so do my dreams. New people and new contexts keep adding to my dream.

3. Other people have a lot to say about my dreams.
So what? They are free to say what they want. I am free to sift through well meaning advice and wisdom and not to listen to the fearful skeptics. They can be my voice of reason within reason.

4. I have all the good intention but not enough of good actions to make it real.
This is an opportunity for me to see what stops me or scares me from acting. Is it sheer laziness (a good dose of that is there too) or maybe I am waiting to grow in to my actions.

5. My dream sounds good inside my head, but in the cold harsh reality of every day life, it seems fanciful and silly.
A big worthwhile dream will always have plots and pieces that only my deepest sub conscious will know, so naturally I may not even have learnt the language to articulate them. The more I express, the easier it will be to access the unknown.

6. Life takes over.
Living is made up of extraordinary acts amidst ordinary acts. As a living being I have to take care of myself, feed and clothe myself, as a human being I need to socialise, look after others, and do other things that human beings do. This is reality. This is the way with being human. All great dreamers and change makers, had to eat, clothe themselves, look after a home, feed children, look after parents, spend time with friends. The key is to integrate your extraordinary acts in to your daily routine.

So wake up Mihirini.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.
Don’t let go of your dreams. They are important.

Are you shying away from your dreams because it is frustrating you?
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.
Don’t let go of your dreams. They are important.

There are 6 billion people out there with dreams of their own.
If you know any one of them is about to give up on their dreams. Tell them this.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams.
Don’t let go of your dreams. They are important.

Wishing you many lesson from your frustrations and doubts!
Sending you energy to dream on…
